Grand Palais & Parc Monceau, Paris

I freely admit that I used to be obsessed with the historic Grand Palais in Paris. Built for the Universal Exposition of 1900, it was never intended to last this long, and was plagued by structural problems from the time of completion to when it was closed for restoration in 1993. First it was the green tinged glass on the vault of the building, which was subsequently replaced by modern clear glass, and the appearance of starting to sink in the banks of the Seine. Then it was was getting into the building, after waiting for the years of restoration to be completed. Then it was seeing the interior being restored and used for exhibitions and fashion shows. I remember when it was first re-opened in 2007 being able to run my finger along the balustrades and receive a dust coating a knuckle deep. Now that the restoration is 99% complete, the building is being used for main stream exhibitions, such as the Helmut Newton show currently underway. Any idea I had of going to that exhibition quickly dissipate when I see the sign that says there is a 2 hour wait time in the queue.

Today is the Paris Marathon, which has been run and won by the time I remember I was planning to go to the finish line for some photos. Parc Monceau seems to be a popular place for the competitors to warm down, although they all look like they are freezing, and are using their race-issued blue plastic rain ponchos to try to stay warm. Parc Monceau is still easing it’s way into spring, and there is really only one pretty corner at this stage.

Being a Sunday, the major stores are closed, so it’s a good morning to window shop for all of the spring/summer clothes on display that it is simply too cold to wear in Paris at the moment!






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